Request Reference

It is the aim of pykollib that every action that can be performed through the Kingdom of Loathing web interface is represented as a request in this module. requests handle the two aspects of interacting programmatically with KoL - generating the requisite URL and parsing the HTML response.

Normally to use a request you pass it to the parse method of your Session instance. However, in the case of a bug or to capture something not covered by the parse function, it is possible to carry out these two operations separately.

async def spend_ten_turns_in_canadia_gym():
  response = await canadia_gym(session, 10)
  # do something else with response
  return await response.parse()

As the parsed return type is a result of a different function, the documentation is currently not displaying it, but we’re working on it!

class pykollib.request.adventure(session, location_id)

A request used to initiate an adventure at any location.

  • session (Session) – Active Session

  • location_id (int) – Id of the location in which to adventure

class pykollib.request.ascension_history(session, player_id, pre_ns13=False)

Fetches ascension history for a player

Params player_id

Player for whom to fetch ascension history

Params pre_ns13

Whether to include pre NS13 ascension history

static parser(content, **kwargs)

Parses through the response and constructs an array of ascensions.

Return type

List[Ascension {id: int, dropped_path: bool, level: int, player_class: str, moon: str, turns: int, familiar: Optional[str], familiar_percentage: Optional[float], total_familiar: Optional[str], total_familiar_percentage: Optional[float], restriction: str, path: Optional[str], start: datetime, end: datetime}]

class pykollib.request.autosell_items(session, items, quantity=1, all=False, keep_one=False)

Sells items via the autosell system

static parser(content, items=[], **kwargs)
Return type

Response {items: List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}], meat_gained: int}

class pykollib.request.cafe_consume(session, cafe, item)

Purchases items from a cafe.

  • cafe (Cafe) – Cafe to use

  • item (Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}) – Item to consume

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

ResourceGain {adventures: int, inebriety: int, substats: Dict[str, int], stats: Dict[str, int], level: int, effects: List[Dict[str, Any]], hp: int, mp: int}

class pykollib.request.cafe_menu(session, cafe)

Check the current menu at a given cafe.

Params session

KoL session

Params cafe

The Cafe from which to get the menu

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}]

class pykollib.request.campground_kitchen(session)

Checks state of the kitchen. (Did you wash the dishes?)


session (Session) – Active session

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {oven: bool, range: bool, chef: bool, shaker: bool, cocktail: bool, bartender: bool, sushi: bool}

class pykollib.request.campground_rest(session)

Rests at the player’s campground.


session (Session) – Active session

class pykollib.request.canadia_gym(session, turns)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {substats: Dict[str, int], stats: Dict[str, int], level: int}

class pykollib.request.canadia_mindcontrol(session, level)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.charpane(session)

Requests the user’s character pane.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Dict[str, Any]

class pykollib.request.chat_channel(session)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.chat_receive(session, since=0)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {msgs: List[str], last: int, delay: int}

returns_json = True
class pykollib.request.chat_send(session, text='')
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {output: str, msgs: List[str]}

returns_json = True
class pykollib.request.choice(session, choice, option)

Submit a given option in response to a give choice

  • session (Session) – KoL session

  • choice (int) – The id of the choice

  • option (int) – The number option to submit

class pykollib.request.clan_accepting_applications(session)

Toggle whether or not the clan accepts new applications.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.clan_apply(session, clan_id)

Apply to a clan


clan_id (int) – id of clan

static parser(content, **kwargs)

Formats the clan application response

Return type

Response {success: bool, already_member: bool}

class pykollib.request.clan_log(session)

Retrieves the clan activity log.

log_patterns = {re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? faxed in a (?P<monster>.*)$'): <Action.Fax: 2>, re.compile("^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? added (?P<other_username>.*?) \\(#(?P<other_user_id>[0-9]+)\\) to the clan's whitelist\\.$"): <Action.Whitelisted: 4>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? joined another clan\\.$'): <Action.JoinedAnother: 5>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? left the clan\\.$'): <Action.Left: 7>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? was accepted into the clan \\(whitelist\\)$'): <Action.Joined: 6>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? applied to the clan\\.$'): <Action.Applied: 8>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? accepted (?P<other_username>.*?) \\(#(?P<other_user_id>[0-9]+)\\) into the clan\\.$'): <Action.Accepted: 9>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? added (?P<quantity>[0-9]+) (?P<item>.*?)\\.$'): <Action.StashAdded: 10>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? took (?P<quantity>[0-9]+) (?P<item>.*?)\\.$'): <Action.StashTook: 11>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? contributed (?P<amount>[0-9,]+) Meat\\.$'): <Action.StashMeat: 12>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? changed Rank for (?P<other_username>.*?) \\(#(?P<other_user_id>[0-9]+)\\)\\.$'): <Action.ChangedRank: 13>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? changed title for (?P<other_username>.*?) \\(#(?P<other_user_id>[0-9]+)\\)\\. \\((?P<title>.*?)\\)$'): <Action.ChangedTitle: 14>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? opened up (?P<dungeon>.*?)$'): <Action.DungeonOpened: 15>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? (sealed|shut down) (?P<dungeon>.*?)$'): <Action.DungeonClosed: 16>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? recovered (?P<amount>[0-9,]+) Meat from Hobopolis$'): <Action.DungeonMeat: 17>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? fabricated a (?P<item>.*?) at the Floundry\\.$'): <Action.FloundryFabricated: 18>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? added to the hot dog cart supply \\((?P<item>.*?)x(?P<quantity>[0-9]+)\\)\\.$'): <Action.HotDogSupplied: 19>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? ate an? (?P<item>.*?)\\.$'): <Action.HotDogAte: 20>, re.compile('^(?P<username>.*?)(?: \\(#(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)\\))? gave the speakeasy bartender a bad password\\.$'): <Action.SpeakeasyBadPassword: 21>}
classmethod parse_clan_log(raw_log)
Return type

ClanLog {date: datetime, action: Action, user_id: Optional[int], username: str, data: Dict[str, str]}

classmethod parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ClanLog {date: datetime, action: Action, user_id: Optional[int], username: str, data: Dict[str, str]}]

class pykollib.request.clan_member_boot(session, user_id)

Boot member from clan (also removes their whitelist)

class pykollib.request.clan_raid_log(session, raid_id)

Retrieves on a previous raid.

static parse_raid_log(name, id, raid)

Parse a single raid’s HTML tree

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

classmethod parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Dict[str, Any]

class pykollib.request.clan_raids_previous(session, page=0)

Retrieves a list of old raid logs, in pages of length 10

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {total: int, raids: List[Raid {id: int, name: str, start: date, end: date}]}

class pykollib.request.clan_raids(session)

Retrieves information on all active raids

static dungeon_name_id_from_title(comment)
Return type

Tuple[str, int]

classmethod parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Dict[str, Any]]

class pykollib.request.clan_ranks(session)
static parse_privileges(container)
Return type

Dict[str, Any]

classmethod parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Dict[str, Any]]

class pykollib.request.clan_rumpus_effect(session, type)

Uses an effect giver in the clan rumpus room.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Dict[str, Any]]

class pykollib.request.clan_rumpus_gym(session, stat, turns)

Visits the a gym in the clan rumpus room for a specified number of turns

  • stat (Stat) – The stat to train

  • turns (int) – The number of turns to train for

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {substats: Dict[str, int], stats: Dict[str, int], level: int}

class pykollib.request.clan_rumpus_item(session, furniture)

Uses an item dispenser in the clan rumpus room.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.clan_rumpus_meat(session, furniture)

Uses a meat dispenser in the clan rumpus room.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.clan_rumpus_sofa(session, turns=0)

Uses the comfy sofa in the clan rumpus room.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {mp: int, hp: int}

class pykollib.request.clan_rumpus(session)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


static parser(content, **kwargs)
class pykollib.request.clan_show(session, id)

Get information about a clan

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Dict[str, Any]

class pykollib.request.clan_stash_item_add(session, items)

Adds items to the clan’s stash.

class pykollib.request.clan_stash_item_remove(session, item_id=0, quantity=0)

Take items from the player’s clan stash.

class pykollib.request.clan_stash_meat_add(session, quantity)

Adds meat to the player’s clan stash.

class pykollib.request.clan_stash(session)

This class is used to get a list of items in the user’s clan stash.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Dict[str, Any]]

class pykollib.request.clan_vip_crimbotree(session)

Uses the Crimbo Tree in the clan VIP room.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.clan_vip_klaw(session)

Uses the Deluxe Mr. Klaw in the clan VIP room.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.clan_vip_lookingglass(session)

Uses the Looking Glass in the clan VIP room.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.clan_whitelist_add(session, user, rank=0, title='')
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {success: bool, already: bool}

class pykollib.request.clan_whitelist_remove(session, user)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.clan_whitelist(session)

Retrieves information from the clan whitelist page.

static parser(content, include_rank=False, only_rank=False, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Dict[str, Any]]

class pykollib.request.closet_item_add(session, item, quantity)

Adds items to the player’s closet.

class pykollib.request.closet_meat_add(session, quantity)

Adds meat to the player’s closet.

class pykollib.request.closet_meat_remove(session, amount=0)

Takes meat from the player’s closet.

class pykollib.request.combat(session, action, skill=None, item=None)

A request used for a single round of combat. The user may attack, use an item or skill, or attempt to run away.

In this constructor, action should be set to CombatRequest.ATTACK, CombatRequest.USE_ITEM, CombatRequest.USE_SKILL, CombatRequest.RUN_AWAY, or CombatRequest.PICK_POCKET. If a skill or item is to be used, the caller should also specify param to be the number of the item or skill the user wishes to use.

Submit a given option in response to a give choice

  • session (Session) – KoL session

  • action (Action) – The Action to carry out in this combat round

  • skill (Optional[Skill {id: int, buff: bool}]) – If the action is Action.Skill, specifies the skill to use

  • item (Union[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}, List[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], None]) – If the action is Action.Item, either specifies an item to use, or an array of items to funksling

class pykollib.request.craft(session, mode, ingredients, quantity=1, max=False)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {created: List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}], explosion: bool}

class pykollib.request.craft_paste(session, item, quantity=1)

Creates meat paste, meat stacks, or dense meat stacks.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.curse(session, player, item)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.display_case_add_items(session, items)

Adds items to the player’s display case.

  • session (Session) – Active session

  • items (List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]) – List of items and their quantities to add to the case

class pykollib.request.drink(session, item)

This request is for drinking booze from the inventory. It accepts the current session and the ID number of the booze to be drank. It returns the results, including and stat gain, adventure gain, effect gain, or drunkenness gain.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

ResourceGain {adventures: int, inebriety: int, substats: Dict[str, int], stats: Dict[str, int], level: int, effects: List[Dict[str, Any]], hp: int, mp: int}

class, item)

This request is for eating food from the inventory.

  • session (Session) – Active session

  • item (Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}) – Consumable to eat

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

ResourceGain {adventures: int, inebriety: int, substats: Dict[str, int], stats: Dict[str, int], level: int, effects: List[Dict[str, Any]], hp: int, mp: int}

class pykollib.request.equip(session, item, slot)

Equips items from the inventory passed by itemId. If a slot is specified, it will attempt to equip accessories into that slot.

static parser(content, **kwargs)

Checks for errors due to equipping items you don’t have, or equipping items that aren’t equippable.

Return type



Gets info on all equipment currently equipped. Returns a lookup from the item database for each item equipped. For accessories, two possibilities are present. If equipping each slot seperately is enabled, each item’s dictionary will contain an attribute “slot” with the number of the slot it occupies. Otherwise, the “slot” attribute will have the value 0 for all equipped accessories.

classmethod parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Outfit {hat: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], back: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], shirt: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], weapon: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], offhand: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], pants: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], acc1: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], acc2: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], acc3: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}], familiar: Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}]}

static slot_to_item(soup, link, index=0)
Return type

Optional[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}]

class pykollib.request.guild_malus(session, item, quantity=1)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.guild_train(session, skill)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.hermit_menu(session)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.hermit_trade(session, item, quantity=1)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.homepage(session, server_number=0)

This request is most often used before logging in. It allows the KoL servers to assign a particular server number to the user. In addition, it gives us the user’s login challenge so that we might login to the server in a more secure fashion.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {server_url: str, challenge: Optional[str]}

class pykollib.request.inventory(session)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Dict[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}, int]

returns_json = True

Get a list of items in the user’s inventory.

class pykollib.request.item_description(session, descid)

Gets the description of an item and then parses various information from the response.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
class pykollib.request.item_discard(session, item)
class pykollib.request.item_information(session, item_id)

Get information about a particular item.

static parser(json, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {descid: int, name: str, plural: Optional[str], image: Optional[str], type: Optional[str], autosell: int, power: int, num_hands: int, can_transfer: bool, is_cooking_ingredient: bool, is_cocktailcrafting_ingredient: bool, is_jewelrymaking_component: bool, is_meatsmithing_component: bool, is_meatpasting_component: bool, is_fancy: bool, is_quest_item: bool, is_discardable: bool, is_hardcore_denied: bool}

Searches for an item by name using the mall justitems parameter

  • session (Session) – The Pykol session

  • query (Union[str, Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}]) – The Item or string to search for. You can use % for a wildcard string. If you supply an Item instance, it will search for exactly and only that item.

  • category (Category) – The category to search in, such as ‘food’. The default is to search in all categories. Note the convenience constants above.

  • sort_items_by (SortBy) – How to sort the items listed in the output. Depending on the other search parameters, not all of the possible values will be maningful.

  • tiers (List[Tier]) – For food and booze, an array listing which quality levels to include in the search results.

  • consumable_by_me (bool) – For consumable items, whether to list only items that are consumable by the session’s character.

  • weapon_attribute (int) – For weapons, 1 to list only melee weapons, 2 to list only ranged weapons, or 3 to list all weapons.

  • weapon_hands (int) – For weapons, 1 to list only one-handed weapons, 2 to list only 2-handed weapons, or 3 to list all weapons.

  • wearable_by_me (bool) – For wearable items, whether to list only items that can be worn by the session’s character.

  • start (int) – Not usually needed by the user. Tells which item in the list of results is to be returned first.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}]

class pykollib.request.item_multi_use(session, item, quantity)

Uses multiple items at once

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

ResourceGain {adventures: int, inebriety: int, substats: Dict[str, int], stats: Dict[str, int], level: int, effects: List[Dict[str, Any]], hp: int, mp: int}

class pykollib.request.item_use(session, item)

Uses the requested item.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.kmail_delete(session, message_ids, box='Inbox')
class pykollib.request.kmail_get(session, box='Inbox', page=0, messages_per_page=100, oldest_first=False)
static parser(content, **kwargs)

Parses through the response and constructs an array of messages.

Return type

List[Message {id: int, user_id: int, username: str, date: datetime, text: str, items: List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}], meat: int, type: str}]

class pykollib.request.kmail_send(session, recipient, message='', items=[], meat=0)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.login(session, username, password, challenge=None, stealth=False)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.logout(session)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.main(session)
class pykollib.request.mall_purchase(session, listing=None, store_id=None, item=None, price=None, quantity=None)

Purchases an item from the specified store. This will fail if the price per item is not given correctly or if the quantity is higher than the remaining quantity per day. It will purchase as many as possible if the quantity is higher than the number in the store.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
class pykollib.request.mall_price(session, item)

Search the mall for the lowest prices of an item. This will return the 4 lowest unlimited prices, and if applicable, the 3 lowest limited prices with their limit amount per day.

I’m not sure what the counts when doing a search are, but I’m including it anyways.

  • session (Session) – Active session

  • item (Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}) – Item for which to get prices

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {unlimited: List[Listing {price: int, quantity: int, limit: int}], limited: List[Listing {price: int, quantity: int, limit: int}]}

Searches for an item at the mall

  • session (Session) – The Pykol session

  • query (Union[str, Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}]) – The Item or string to search for. You can use % for a wildcard string. If you supply an Item instance, it will search for exactly and only that item.

  • category (Category) – The category to search in, such as ‘food’. The default is to search in all categories. Note the convenience constants above.

  • no_limits (bool) – Whether to exclude shops that have daily purchase limits.

  • max_price (int) – The maximum price to show. Defaults to 0, which shows all prices.

  • num_results (int) – The number of shops to show per item. The default is 0, which shows a number of shops depending on the number of items returned.

  • sort_items_by (SortBy) – How to sort the items listed in the output. Depending on the other search parameters, not all of the possible values will be maningful.

  • sort_shops_by (SortBy) – How to sort the shops within each individual item.

  • tiers (List[Tier]) – For food and booze, an array listing which quality levels to include in the search results.

  • consumable_by_me (bool) – For consumable items, whether to list only items that are consumable by the session’s character.

  • weapon_attribute (int) – For weapons, 1 to list only melee weapons, 2 to list only ranged weapons, or 3 to list all weapons.

  • weapon_hands (int) – For weapons, 1 to list only one-handed weapons, 2 to list only 2-handed weapons, or 3 to list all weapons.

  • wearable_by_me (bool) – For wearable items, whether to list only items that can be worn by the session’s character.

  • start (int) – Not usually needed by the user. Tells which item in the list of results is to be returned first.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Listing {item: <module ‘pykollib.Item’ from ‘/media/gausie/Shared (ext4)/Projects/pykollib/pykollib/’>, price: int, store_id: int, store_name: str, stock: int, limit: int, limit_reached: bool}]

class pykollib.request.mall_transactions(session)

Get the last 2 weeks of transactions from your store.


session (Session) – Active session

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Transaction {date: datetime, username: str, user_id: int, quantity: int, item: Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}, meat: int}]

class pykollib.request.mining(session, mine)

A request used to visit a mine.

  • session (Session) – Active Session

  • location_id – Id of the mine to visit

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.npc_buy(session, store, item, quantity=1)

Purchases items from an NPC store.

  • session (Session) – Active session

  • store (Store {kol: pykollib.Session}) – NPC store to buy from

  • item (Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}) – Item to buy

  • quantity (int) – Quantity of said item to buy

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Response {items: List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}], meat_gained: int}

class pykollib.request.player_profile(session, player_id)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Dict[str, Any]

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Result {username: str, user_id: int, level: int, character_class: str, clan_id: Optional[int], clan_name: Optional[str], fame: Optional[int]}]

class pykollib.request.pulverize(session, item, quantity=1)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

class pykollib.request.questlog(session, page=<QuestPage.Current: 1>)

Get info from the quest log about which quests are completed and which stage of each uncompleted quest the player is on


page (QuestPage) – Page of the quest log to request

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

Dict[str, str]

class pykollib.request.skill_use(session, skill, times=1, target=None)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.status(session)
returns_json = True
class pykollib.request.store_inventory(session)

Get a list of items currently in a user’s store

static parser(content, **kwargs)

Searches backoffice.php for item name, quantity, price, limit, and ID.

Return type

List[Listing {item: Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}, order: int, quantity: int, price: int, limit: int, cheapest: int}]

class pykollib.request.store_item_add(session, item, quantity=1, limit=0, price=999999999, from_hangks=False)

Add a single item to your store. The interface to the mall was updated on Sept 13, 2013. It looks like items are now added only one at a time.

Notes about new URL: itemid: this will contain an “h” in front of it if the item is in Hangk’s

There is now a submitted field name ‘_’. This appears to be the milliseconds since epoch. Testing will need to be done to see how important this is. Presumably you could just append 000 after the current seconds since epoch.

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.store_item_remove(session, item, quantity=1)

Take a single item from your store using the new Mall interface from Sep 2013

Class expects at least an itemId. If no quantity is given, a quantity of 1 is assumed

Todo: add option to remove all of an item. This will require calling StoreInventoryRequest and figuring out how many of the item there are.

  • session (Session) – Active session

  • item (Item {foldgroup_id: Optional[int], zapgroup_id: Optional[int], store_id: Optional[int]}) – Item to remove

  • quantity (int) – Amount of that item to remove

static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.store_item_update(session, listings)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.trade_cancel(session, id, status)

Cancel a trade request.

  • id (int) – Identifier of the trade to be cancelled

  • status (Status) – Status of the trade to be cancelled

class pykollib.request.trade_offer_decline(session, trade_id)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.trade_pending(session)
static parse_trade_items(content)
Return type

List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}]

classmethod parser(content, **kwargs)

Parse each different kind of trade.

Return type

List[Trade {id: int, status: Status, user_id: int, username: str, incoming_items: List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}], outgoing_items: List[ItemQuantity {item: Item, quantity: int}], incoming_meat: int, outgoing_meat: int, message: str}]

class pykollib.request.trade_propose(session, user_id, item_quantities=[], meat=0, message='')
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.trade_respond(session, trade_id, item_quantities=[], meat=0, message='')
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.trade_response_accept(session, trade_id)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.trade_response_decline(session, trade_id)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.trophy(session)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type

List[Trophy {kol: pykollib.Session}]

class pykollib.request.uneffect(session, effect_id)
static parser(content, **kwargs)
Return type


class pykollib.request.unequip(session, slot=None)

Unequips the equipment in the designated slot.


slot (Optional[Slot]) – Will unequip item from the specified Slot, or completely undress if slot is None